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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 18, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EST

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signs of coming down from a drug high. finally the pain at the pump. national average for gallon of gasoline today is $3.73, that is up 16 cents from last week. all right. fox and friends starts right now. thanks for joining us this morning. >> gretchen: 6:00 it is monday. i'm anna in for gretchen carlson. we begin with news singer mindy mccready found dead. details moments away. >> and was the blade run other a roid rage fueled by rage. he allegedly killed his model girlfriend. that coming up. >> and danica patrick crashed a glass ceiling and why she could be in the best position of her life. fox and friends starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to fox and friends live from studio "e", it's presidents' day. a federal holiday and in some states it is a holiday, we hope you are going to make it a great day. >> imagine if you are waking up this early, you are probably somebody that has to go to work this day. >> good morning. >> good morning. peter johnson has a special report. he went down to washington, d.c. and since it is a holiday you are going to talk about iwo jima. the anniversary of the landing and talk about it later in the week. we'll show some things that kind of most emotional weekends of he my life. >> this morning, music world is mourning the death of mindy mccready.
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live with the latest details. >> good morning, mindy mccready that soared to the top of the charts debut album 10,000 angels is dead. ♪ ♪ >> police in arkansas discovered her body the same place her boyfriend died last month in an apparent suicide. it appears she died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. ♪ ♪ >> you probably know that song. she scored a number one billboard hit with guys do it all the time but in recent years she received more media attention for her troubled
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personal life. she struggled with addiction, mental illness and was arrested multiple times. she also sought a lengthy and bitter battle with her own mother over custody of her own son. >> it's been six years since you have done an album. where have i been? >> where i haven't would be shorter answer. i have been getting in a lot of trouble. i have been getting out of jail and prison are two different things. >> we have a lot to talk about. i've done a lot to stay out of trouble. i am seeking redemption. last night country music stars expressed their condolences on hearing her death carey underwood tweeted i'm so sorry. winonna judd says it breaks my
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heart, what addiction takes from this life. shortly after her boyfriend's death she was ordered to end rehab and two children were taken from her. she was only 37 years old. sorry to report this morning. >> she is the fifth person on celebrity rehab to die. isn't that wild? she appeared on the reality show with dr. drew. >> very sad. >> steve: meanwhile, as we switch gears, live look at the white house, officials are trying to backtrack calling a leaked immigration reform plan, a plan "b". it shows the president is not serious about reform and bipartisan negotiations are going. kelly wright joins us from washington. >> reporter: good to see you all on this presidents' day. critics of the president's plan
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says it outlines actions the obama administration have taken and people here living here illegally and the white house say no specific action was taken on the plan, but white house chief of staff says the administration's approach is to have a plan "b" in place in the event that bipartisan talks in congress fail to produce comprehensive immigration reform. >> the fact of this report, david, i think all it says to me we are doing exactly what we said we'll do. we will be prepared in event the bipartisan talks on the hill we're aggressively supporting if those don't work out, we'll have an option ready to put out there >> reporter: republicans are expressing concerns about the president's plan. they say it fails to address border security and ignores the laws for immigration enforcement. >> it does set things in the
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wrong direction. the question we have to ask ourselves, particularly with this white house, is the president looking for a partisan advantage or bipartisan law? and by pitting these details out without a guest worker program and by giving advantage to those who cut in front of line for immigrants who came here legally not dealing with border security adequately, that tells us he is looking for a partisan advantage and not a bipartisan solution. >> kelly: and senator marco rubio is one of the senators that outlined a reform plan. he says the president is making a mistake. he says in a statement, quote, it actually proposed, the president's bill would be dead on arrival in congress leaving us with unsecured borders and a broken legal immigration system for years to come. and senator rubio doesn't stop there. he adds the president's plan is half baked and seriously flawed.
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he claims it would actually make america's immigration problems worse. president supports the progress that congress is making. back to you. >> thank you very much. john mccain say leaks don't happen by accident in washington. >> time is 7 minutes after the hour on monday morning. get right to the rest of headlines. a bombshell report revealing olympic oscar pistorius may have killed his girlfriend. evidence of drinking during a search of his home and discovered a blood covered cricket bat leading investigators that he may have attacked her before the shooting. president obama is going back to washington after playing a round of golf with tiger woods. taking lessons from wood's
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former coach. they teed off and president went 27 holes and shot somewhere in the 80s. >> brand-new details emerging about the pope's health one week after he announced his resignation. they say his hearing has deteriorated and appears to have gone blind in his left eye. he got heart surgery and he is set to step down next month. >> danica patrick is the very first woman to win the pole at the daytona 500. she will start in the first position and jeff gordon will start second. she topped 196 miles an hour. >> i think it just shows what a great organization it is. when you put a good group of people together what can happen.
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>> and fox and friends is going to be live in the daytona 500 that is next week. >> congratulations to her she is a big friend of the program. it's noisy, i've been there. today is officially known as washington's birthday but because we put them altogether, it's now known as presidents' day. we have some facts for you. is it back and relax. if you are the only one awake at your house, repeat them later today, you will absolutely flabbergast aware loved ones with the knowledge. >> and george washington never lived in the white house. capitol was located in philadelphia and other cities. he is also the only president who didn't represent a political party. >> technically i believe he is listed as an independent followed by adams who was a federalist. >> great tradition. second fun fact, thomas jefferson was the first
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president to be inaugurated in washington, d.c. where was george washington inaugurated. >> new york. >> grover cleveland is the only president to be elected to two non-consecutive terms. he was 22 and 24th president. >> who was the 23rd president? >> tell us, steve. >> steve: benjamin harrison who eventually died of the flu. now, this is one of the most fun. you think you know a lot about abraham lincoln. do you know he was a licensed bartender. he was the owner of berry and lincoln and saloon in springfield, illinois. >> barry liked the grape a little too much and he was an
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alcoholic. >> steve: is that true. i did not know that. >> "killing lincoln" turned into a movie appeared on national geographic last night. >> james madison, dolly's husband he was shortest of the presidents. he only was 5'4" and one other one we've got for you. grover cleveland had a serious jaw surgery during his presidency. he was taken to a yacht and was operated on where he was given a prosthetic jaw so that no one would notice. it was kept a secret. >> cancer surgery. >> 11 minutes after the hour. gas prices have gone up every single day for 31 straight days. what is the heck is going on? stuart varney is here with the answer. >> give up his gun. new plans that has a whole lot
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of people fired up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. many cereals say they're good for your heart, but did you know ere's a cereal that's recommendedy doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart dease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat.
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trymeet the 5-passenger. ford c-max hybrid. when you're carrying a lot of weight, c-max has a nice little trait, you see, c-max helps you load your freight, with its foot-activated lift gate. but that's not all you'll see, cause c-max also beats prius v, with better mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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>>. >> steve: get ready for more pain at the pump. gas prices have been rising steadily for the last 31 days. national average is $3.73. so what is behind the spike and is there any relief in sight? stuart varney says what is behind the spike is ben bernanke printing up a storm. >> driving the dollar down so oil goes up and tight supplies from the refiners who are shutting down some refineries to switch over to the summer blend that we use with we are driving in the summer.
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so it's the tightness of supply of gas coming on to the market. by the way, just pointed out this spike is ongoing, it is real. it gained another 1 1/2 cents and we are up 7.73 for regular is the highest price ever for gasoline for mid-february. >> steve: and summer driving season is when prices really go up because they formulate all those types of gasoline. what is interesting regarding ben bernanke how he is driving down the cost of oil and gasoline. in the world spot market it is traded in u.s. dollars? >> what he is doing is printing a ton of dollars if. if you increase the supply of anything you tend to lower the price. so the exchange rate for the u.s. dollar is going down. this is will gradually going down. the world oil market is priced in u.s. dollars. so you have to compensate so up
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goes the price of oil and, therefore, up goes the price of gasoline. right now everybody's paycheck is lower after the social security tax increases of january 1st and everybody's gas bill is going straight up. you have very limited retail sales in the post holiday season this could slow the economy. it's the inflation that everybody can see and feel every day. you get in your car and drive past the gas station you can see the price going up. >> steve: do you remember five or six years when the price of gasoline was going up, george bush is responsible for this. he has pals in the gas business, they are just getting taken. and you said highest gas in february you are only person talking about it. >> i'm waiting for schumann shoe march demanding an investigation
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of the oil producers. >> steve: good luck. stuart varney has a special program today. it will started at 9:15 this morning on presidents' day. >> pipeline, gas prices, we got it all. we have plenty to talk about it. >> straight ahead, a story that everybody is talking about, a strangler stranger slapping somebody's baby on flight. then he bombed the worlddede center leaving people dead. this terrorist now socialize in the prison yard. i'm not kidding. ♪ ♪ ♪ taking care of business ♪ taking care of business ♪ taking care of business ♪ taking care of business i've been taking a multivitamin for years. centrum silver.
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>>. >> anna: so nice to see you at fox and friends, 6:22. an afghan insurgent accused of killing a american soldier is dead. nato confirming that the man known as mahmoud were killed in a raid. they were worth millions but not anymore, fire destroying two mansions in florida. strong winds helping spread those flames. it crews almost an hour to get there because the island can only be reached by boat or plane. it's believed a generator caused the fire. >> peter: after a successful history making filibuster to delay chunk hagel's nomination as defense secretary, lindsay graham says republicans were just doing their due diligence.
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>> you are talking about a person whose voting record shows softness on iran and antagonism toward israel. he would be the most antagonistic in history. i think we're doing our job to scrutiny recognize i think one of the most unqualified radical choices for secretary of defense in a have a long time. >> peter: what does this mean to the american people and our troops serving overseas. joining us is steve, the ceo of concerned veterans of america. good morning. i would think that as a veteran receive a you would love this guy, did veteran representative, would you love this guy did you does he meet the mark or not? >> we came out early against senator ha did gel as the nominee for secretary of defense. we do honor and thank him what he as done for veterans.
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he has bring great for veterans. >> peter: where does he fall in line? >> wrong man, wrong job, wrong time. he hasn't been a thought meter on the issues and hasn't been forward looking in defense and hasn't put policies forward. so what you would expect for a nominee of secretary of defense, it just isn't there. we thank him for his service as a veteran. we certainly respect that. it doesn't qualify you per se, to be secretary of defense. look at sequestration he made thoughtless xhejts about that before his conversion about how it would happen and if it is okay as it happens. as lindsay graham mentioned. you have iran and, this is not a
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guy to be secretary of defense. there is a lot of better professionals, democrats that would make great secretaries of defense. after all this time and the nomination hearing, should be should be at the top. >> peter: watch what he said in a speech that chuck hagel gave at rutgers allegedly talking about israel again? >> the second statement were true he said the secretary of state's office is under the control of israeli foreign ministry, show an edge via the israel-u.s. relationship is way out of the mainstream. >> that is shocking statement if that is true. that alone, would that disqualify? >> i mean, i think so. that alone along with all the other things he has said whether the jewish lobby that have belayed truthfulness of how he
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thinks the u.s.'s role should be and what our relationship should be with our allies and enemies. right now at the critical moment it's not substantive and not okay as we watch this administration's policy fade to the background. >> peter: senator hagel disavowed that statement and we'll see in february what happens to this nomination. next on the rundown, give up your guns or else. wait until you hear about a new plan that has a whole lot of people fired up. and then, remember when maker's mark they were going to water down their booze, there is a huge update but first happy birthday to gillian michaels.
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>>. it was a blizzard and parts of new england about to hit again. another storm headed for the northeast just in time for the workweek and in florida farmers
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spraying crops to keep them from freezing. good morning. >> hi, good morning. today we're looking at very cold temperatures across the northeast, but the problem really isn't in the northeast, the wind, up to 30 miles an hour and what is making it feel so much colder. today you not only need the heavy coats but the skar fs and hats. it's 2 degrees and 2 below in boston and burlington, it feels like 8 degrees below zero. a frigid start to the day. it will be feeling a lot better. wind will be dying down as we head into the afternoon hours. you head southward we do have cold temperatures across portions of florida and southern georgia. current temperatures in jacksonville, only in the 20s. that is very cold for
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floridians. we had hard freeze warnings across the area and afternoon much nicer. 68 degrees for a high temperature in tampa. 36 degrees in new york city. in the north central we have a brand-new storm developing, blizzard warnings across parts of state of north dakota and northern sections of minnesota. we're talking up to ten inches of snow and gusts over 40 miles an hour possible. steve, peter and anna. >> steve: and since the windchill is just 2 that. >> i can confirm that. >> steve: we think you should stay outside just in case there is breaking weather news for the next three hours, okay. >> anna: come on, steve. [ laughter ] >> i don't know how you do that. >> come on inside. >> anna: blade runner on a roid
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fueled rage, the night he allegedly killed his model girlfriend. more details. >> there is brand-new report coming out this morning that reveals olympic track star may have killed his girlfriend in a booze roid rage. cops found steroids and also evidence of heavy drinking during a search of his home. they also discovered a cricket bat that was covered with blood. they are describing this as a key piece of evidence in their investigation. investigators are looking at three different scenarios. first one that pistorius may have used bat to hit reeva steenkamp. she may have defended it in the fight or they a used to it bash through a bathroom door. they are also looking into this, whether a light night text that she got from a rugby star may have played a parted in her murder.
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26-year-old pistorius is due back in court tomorrow, that is same day that family and friends will gather for her memorial service. that is the latest from south africa. >> steve: meanwhile, a fox news alert coming to us from tampa, florida. take a look. a recycling plant erupted in flames. these are live pictures. according to fire crews on the scene that is a huge pile of metal that is burning. some reports suggest that it could be hazardous metal. drivers on nearby highways say the smoke can be seen for miles away and no reports of injuries or anybody trapped inside. we will bring you up to date as we just heard from maria, it is very cold in florida on this monday morning. >> anna: she says a stranger slapped her two-year-old son on a flight and mom is speaking out. the man used a racial slur and
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even drew blood when he slapped her son. >> i couldn't believe that he would say that in my ear. he said it again but even more hateful. >> the suspect is pace ago federal assault charge. he is also out of a job. he has been suspended from his job as president of unitec composite and structures in idaho. >> lawmakers in missouri trying to get assault weapons in their state. to force gun owners to surrender any semi-automatic weapons. owners would have the option of sending their weapons to another state but the bill is not expected to pass the republican controlled house. >> anna: he bombed the world trade center back in 1993 now this terrorist wants to
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socialize after 15 years in solitary confinement. he is suing to live the rest of life sentence. he killed six people in the bombing. >> steve: give him whatever he wants. maker's mark bourbon have a big announcement. they announced they were cutting the alcohol content to the whiskey and going to add water to thin it out. a sobering backlash from cutomers is prompting them to restore the alcohol volume back to the historic 90 proof. in a tweet they informed consumers, you spoke, we listened. >> anna: now, to more. the best of the n.b.a. showing off their skills last night in houston for the all-star game. it was a western conference beating out the east for 143-138 victory. chris hall named mvp and
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all-stars showed off their best. he took first place with a 180 wrap around and dunk. check this out. whoa! >> that is just showing off. >> you remember, mike tyson taking off a piece of evanderfield's ear and hugging now. he made appearance for his new barbecue sauce. tyson was in town and he says all the hard feelings between the two. >> i love evander, i'm ever link for him. forgiveness is involved. >> holyfield he has forgive him and he supports his career since they have retired from boxing.
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>> anna: a hole in nine? >> that is awesome. >> anna: nine seniors at the university a golf program putting pros to shame. a simultaneous shot. it is right here. >> what a contest. very nice. now, peter you were busy and you went down to our nation's capital. i did go to washington, d.c. my father passed away he as iwo jima veteran. pee we spent the entire weekend with the folks and it was most emotional weekend i've ever had in my entire life. tomorrow marks the anniversary of the landing the iwo jima. i had an opportunity to meet
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with two dozen survivors and met the marine corps general and commander of sentcom and had a chance to talk to retired general and he talked about his incredible service. >> i got a bunch of fragments in my hands, cheeks, back of my head, between my helmet. i was a bloody mess. i was patched up by a man and moved to the beach and went to guam. i wasn't seriously hurt. there is no reason i could fight along with my brothers. i got a liberty pass from the doctor and went down to the headquarters of fleet reinforcement and asked the colonel there if i could go back. the policy is we're not sending
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anybody back. colonel, let me tell you something. my wife and son, i haven't seen for a year and a half, but those fellows up in iwojima, i wanted to be with them and i'm going to feel guilty if i'm sitting on guam and those guys are fighting for their life. >> and the service begins and ends and continues with the marine corps. we'll talk more about it on friday which is the anniversary of flag raising at iwo jima, 700 americans died. 20,000 were wounded. one of the bloodiest battles of the pacific. >> anna: and producers sent me down to the auction house on friday and couple days it will be auctioned off between $1.3-1.8 million. it's 20 feet. five tons of steel. part of the proceeds, 10% are
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going to go to a great charity. it's called marine corps law enforcement foundation helps kids. >> steve: if you have a really big foyer it would be appropriate. i've heard one estimate that it is probably going to go north of $4 million. >> peter: it's priceless and blood sweated and tears. >> steve: and tomorrow is the anniversary. great job. they were drowning in debt. $52,000 worth of debt but only took this couple 18 months to pay the whole thing off. they are here to share their secret. >> anna: and don't feel bad about boozing here. one of the best ideas ever. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ i haven't seen my baby i don't know when ♪ ♪ i have been drinking whiskey and scotch and gin ♪ ♪ i'm going to get loose ♪ feed me a transmit mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families
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is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens.
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the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years.
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[ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. >>. we're back with quick headlines. actor announcing he and chinese actress welcomed a baby boy to the world. felix was born on december 29 but kept a secret until today. the couple also has a one-year-old daughter. and carley has a new dig, miranda is tapped to star in nay comedy girlfriend in a coma. she is in a coma and discovers
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that cogsgrove is her teenage daughter. >> anna: four years ago they were 52 grand in debt but in 18 months they dug themselves out by making tough decisions and making some life changes. joining me now. you are in phoenix, arizona and when two of you got married, you had a lot of debt. how did you get that much in debt? >> we have a credit card and we have a limit. if we have that available to us, we'll pay it off down the road. >> anna: $52,000 a lot of people can relate to, it was car loans and student loans from school, right? >> yeah, absolutely. we had about $27,000 in student loan debt. we had $18,000 car loan, as well. i think about $7,000 in credit card debt, i just accumulated
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over time. we got more and more. >> anna: i've heard that money is the number one thing that couples fight over. you decided as soon as you got married you are going to tackle it and how have you done it? >> we realized we need a game plan. what we did we sat down and created this form that put our whole financial picture on one piece of paper and then we meet on a regular basis and say, hey, this is where we're at to where we want to be. we would make adjustments to achieve our goals. >> anna: what kind of life changes did you make? i understand going out to dinner and even ordering a drink? >> don't order a drink. i was in my first year of teaching so it was tempting go out and eat and going eat and going out to movies. >> anna: and the car? >> the car was huge, was $500 a month with the added insurance
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costs plus the car payment. so that, cut our cable for the time being. we cut gym membership. >> anna: first tip for viewers at home, if you slash the big things? >> slash the big things. the challenge is lot of people are upside-down in their cars. we had to come up with an extra thousand bucks, we sold what we could and paid the difference and get a reasonable reliable car. >> anna: another tip, you say? >> a book millionaires, if you read one non-fiction book a month, read two. >> anna: and it runs off on you? >> we have a lot of supportive friends and family after they saw how successful we were becoming. it was really helpful to have their encouragement and their support. >> anna: it can be tough to talk about money. but you have a set schedule
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where you meet and talk about it? >> we do. we have a guide for couples called the couple's guide to money and free resource on our website. eight week discussion guide where they can talk about money once a week. >> anna: and on your blog, well kept wallet, if you do what you love you are not going to spend money on frivolous things because you'll be happy? >> steve jobs the only way to do great work is do what you love. i really believe that. we are helping people that are everyday average joe trying to figure out how to manage money. >> anna: you are inspiring us. $52,000, you got rid of that now you have to worry about the mortgage? >> that is the last thing. >> anna: good luck to you. coming up on fox and friends, here is the message from the government you never thought you would hear, hire criminals or else. all in the name of equal opportunity -- are you kidding me? donald trump weighs in. another drink please, you won't
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feel about booze here because it's also charity. details on one of the best ideas ever. that is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna... with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes, and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. how do you keep an older car running like new? you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there. they are going to take care of my car because this is where it came from. price is right no problem, they make you feel like you're a family. get a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and much more, $29.95 after $10.00 rebate.
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if you take care of your car your car will take care of you. when someone in my family gets the flu. fact: advil not only relieves body aches and pains that can come with the flu, it also reduces fever fast. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
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>>. >> steve: bartender, i'll have another. good reason you can feel good about drinking even more. a texas bar has agreed to donate hundred percent of its profits to charity. they call it charity saloon. joining us live from houston, bobby, good morning to you? >> good morning. >> steve: so explain this. you are a business. you are out to make money but a
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hundred percent of the profits go to charity, right? >> absolutely. we are a certified and operated like a regular bar and we pay our employees and pay for broken plumbing. we pass the money off to a different charity every month. >> so when somebody goes into ocra what do they do to make a donation, they buy a drink? >> yeah, you just buy a drink. whatever your favorite beverage is you get to do it. there are four nominees each month and you get to vote for which one you wanted to see become the beneficiary. at the end of the month, we pass profits off to that charity. it rotates every single month. >> anna: and there are so many different charities. some goes to aids or needy families that need furniture.
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it's something that everybody can relate to and who wants to rally around a nice cocktail? >> absolutely. i feel there are a lot of different charities that need attention, not just here in houston and we help awareness about the great things that are going on in our community and passing off a little bit of dollars as well. >> steve: what is matter with you. if you are going into business, put it in your own pocket, why do you want to put it in the pockets of other people? >> i think all of us that are involved, about 20 restaurants, we have our own places. we wanted to find a way to give back to the community that has been so good to us. i think people need to remember restaurants and bars are community places. it's that relationship between the city that we live in and the places we own that is important to us. its relationship that exists outside the walls of our independent businesses. >> we should point out the people that work there, you are
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not volunteers everybody gets paid but after you paid everybody off then you give the money to charity, right? >> that is correct. i don't get paid. our employees get paid. after they get paid their fair wages and we pay for everything else, all the money goes to charity. we're going to try to raise $10,000 a month for charity. we have been getting a lot of support lately. i think we'll get to the point we can do better than that. >> anna: thank you so much. there is also one in washington, d.c. and maybe more in the future. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> you feel good about having the bartender pour you another tequila. on this special federal holiday, presidents' day, straight ahead, tell this to this woman, she has been there, unbelievable story of crossing over to the other side in the next hour. >> anna: and then the marine's
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switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> anna: good morning. today is monday, february 18. i'm anna kooiman. country music star mindy mccready found dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. the breaking details are moments away. >> peter: here is a message from the government you never thought you would hear. hire criminals or else. it's all in the name of equal opportunity. really? donald trump weighs in top of the hour. >> steve: meanwhile, want to know what heaven is like? this woman says she's been there. and it is amazing. she never wanted to come back, but she did. you're about to hear her unbelievable story of crossing over. here in hour two of "fox & friends" for this president's monday.
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>> this is the united states marine corps, you're watching "fox & friends". >> steve: gretchen and brian are off and anna and brian are in this morning of the great to have you here. >> peter: thank you. >> steve: on this federal holiday. it's a state holiday in many states. but we were talking earlier, all of our daughters are going to school today. they're in college. a lot of local schools, they got the day off. >> peter: although i have my daughter here with me. >> anna: she's skipping school, huh? >> peter: she's working with the marine corps this weekend. >> anna: doing something even better. 7:01. we'll get to the fox news alert. country singer mindy mccready is done. she took her own life. joining us somehow our very own anesy earhart. >> yeah. sad story to report. mindy mccready, the country singer who soared to the top of the charts back in '90s with "10,000 angels," is dead.
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♪ i need 10,000 angels ♪ . >> anna: police in arkansas discovered her body on her front porch. the same place her boyfriend died last month in an apparent suicide. the local sheriff says it appears she died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. ♪ i do it all the time. ♪ you can bet i understand ♪ ♪ . >> back? 1996, she scored a number one billboard country hit with "guys do it all the time." but in recent years, she received more media attention for her troubled personal life than her music. she struggled with addiction, mental illness and arrested several times. she also fought a bitter battle with her own mother over custody of her oldest child. here she is back in 2010 right here on "fox & friends".
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>> steve: it's been six years since you've done an album. where you been? >> gosh, we're having -- i've been getting into a lot of trouble. >> steve: you have been. >> yeah, i have. actually never prison. jail and prison are two different things. >> steve: we got a lot to talk about in the after the show show. >> yeah. i've done a lot of work to stay out of trouble. so i am seeking redemption. >> anna: last night country music stars expressed their donnelences on hearing the news of her death. john rich tweeted, very sad to hear about mindy mccready. when i was in lone star, she was our label mate and we were friends. a tragic end to a talented life. wynona judd tweeted, oh, my mindy. dear sweet girl. this is so sad. it breaks my heart what addiction continues to take from this life. shortly after her boyfriend's death last month, mccready was ordered to enter rehab and her two children were taken away from her. mindy mccready was only 37
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years old. anna, steve, peter. >> anna: thank you so much. many country stars are speaking out this morning on twitter. natalie maines saying too much tragedy to overcome. dead at 37, wow. another developing story on your monday morning. a massive fire is burning out of control now in tampa, florida. a recycling plant has erupted into flames. these are live pictures from our affiliate, fox 13 in tampa. firefighters on the scene say that's a huge pile of metal that's burning. some reports suggest it could be hazardous material. drivers on nearby highways say the smoke can be seen for miles away. so far no reports of any injuries. we'll bring you any updates as soon as they happen. a brand-new bombshell report revealing track star oscar pistorius might have killed his girlfriend in a boozey rage. sources say steroids and heavy evidence of drinking during a
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search of his home, police also discovered a blood covered cricket bat lead to go believe he may have attacked her before the shooting. sources are re-sealing christopher dorner tried charming fishermen in san diego in an attempt to escape to mexico. witnesses saying that dorner was willing to pay as much as $400. he told them he was going to be deployed to afghanistan and wanted to go fishing first. his request for a ride surprised the men because most were making repairs on their boat and not ready to head out to sea. her father died a hero in world war ii before she was even born. yesterday she received her purple heart and other medals she never knew about. >> tears of joy and surprise and shock to me. it means today we are honoring his memory. >> anna: it was may of 1945 when
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second lieutenant hyman markle was killed in a gun fight while fight noting in italy against gn troops. the medals were found in an apartment building in west hollywood where her mother lived in the '60s. those are your headlines. >> steve: she was named after her father. nice tribute to him. all right. on this holiday monday, donald trump never stops work. he joins us now from somewhere. where are you today, donald? >> i'm in palm beach flax fellow, not far from the president. the president is here also. >> steve: and mar lago. the president yesterday was out golfing with tiger woods. have you heard anything about that? >> i heard he had some friends said they had a great time and tying service a great guy and who would you rather play golf with than tiger. he's fantastic. >> peter: i understand you've got probably the best golf club in the state of florida. >> i have the number one rated course in the state.
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trump international. it's really great, yeah. >> steve: fantastic. let's talk a little bit about this, this was an awful -- like the worst kept secret in the world. american airlines is now teaming up with u.s. airways. they will be the biggest airline on the planet. you're a wheeler and dealer. what do you think about that? >> i don't like it. you're not going to have any competition in the airline business. already it's horrible service and horrible everything. you're just not going to have it. now they're going to make it into this monster, largest airline i guess in the world. certainly in this country. but in the world. and there is no competition. the way this country was built is through competition. and i'm not big for stopping corporate mergers. i'm really the opposite of that. but when these airlines get together, we're going to end up having a couple of airlines? it's ridiculous. this is one case where if government got involved and said, folks, go out and run your airlines well and compete, i
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think it would be a positive thing. this is not a good idea. you'll have bad service and high ticket prices. >> steve: we should point out that you know something about airlines 'cause you had the trump airline for a while that shuttled folks up and down the eastern seaboard. >> right. i had a shuttle which i actually sold to u.s. air and worked out okay. the airline business is a very tough business. that i can tell you. every problem you can have. >> anna: do you think there is any chance there will be fare wars among some of the smaller airlines and that there is any chance even on a few routes there could be better ticket prices or when people are saying that, are you nixing that? >> the problem is they're taking over all the slots at the big airports. so when you have all the slots, it's very hard to get new slots. it's not like you can just get into that business. not as easy as it sounds. the airlines have these slots and when you merge and you have all the slots, it's a very hard thing to compete. so really you're creating a monopoly situation. what's going to happen is very,
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very high ticket prices and really probably a continuation of bad service. >> peter: i'd like to get your take on what seems to be an explosive maneuver by the obama administration. their equal opportunity employment commission says it should be a crime to refuse to hire ex convicts. what are your thoughts about that? >> i don't like it. and certainly it's fine if you want to hire an ex-convict if you feel good about it. but some of these people have really done some pretty bad things and i can see employers not wanting to do it. and to be forced to do that is government involvement and this is a bad case of government involvement. the fact is, who wants to do this? this is crazy. and they'll have very harsh penalties. >> peter: if someone was convicted of armed robbery or burglary, would you want that kind of person at your resort or
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golf club or building? >> no, i would not want that type of person. i think it would be -- it's a tough situation, but when -- it goes beyond the prison. sheriffed their term and you can say they've absolved their self of their problem. but the fact is, it's still there and it's in the back of everyone's mind and everybody knows it and no, you should not be forced. now, if you want to do that, i think that's fantastic. if you want to hire an ex-con, that's fantastic. but you have to want to do it. maybe they meet special needs. or -- for the government to be forcing you to hire ex-convicts is insane. >> anna: especially when our men and women are coming back from war and many of our veterans, unemployment rate is just through the roof. they can't find jobs. >> absolutely right. tough situation, but you can't be forced to do that. absolutely. >> steve: the other thing is, if somebody applies and you don't hire them, then they can turn around and sue you. they didn't hire me 'cause i'm
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an ex-con. >> according to what i've read, it's very, very severe penalties, too. beyond just being sued, the government imposes severe penalties on you if you don't hire the ex-convict. >> steve: oh, boy. >> can you really say as we've been saying, what is this country coming to? >> steve: we've got a question for you, mr. trump. how high is your chair? >> in my office? i think it's pretty normal. >> steve: the reason we mention this is barbara cork -- corkerran, was quoted in this month's magazine said this, look at donald trump's desk. how high is his seat? maybe 15 feet tall? when you're sitting across from him, you're a mini me. what's she talking about? >> i think it's very nice statement. i think she's probably referring to me rather than the chair. i've done a lot of business with barbara. she's terrific person. and you know, i think that's
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supposed to be a compliment. i'm not sure. >> peter: i've been in your post office it seems like a normal chair. normal desk. it seems it's the same height. >> it is a very normal height, believe me. it is. it accomplishes a lot of work behind that desk. we work hard and we enjoy it. >> steve: but of course, you're not today chained to that desk. you're down at marla -- mar lago. >> steve: have a great week. >> thank you. >> anna: maybe we'll just have to get pillows or apple boxes for the people that come into his office. that's what we do here. >> steve: i don't know what she's talk being. we've shot stories in his office. >> peter: evidently they have a good relationship. sounds like it was in fun. >> steve: coming up on this monday morning, want to know what heaven is like? this woman says she's been there and it's amazing and she never wants to do come back, but she did. her unbelievable story of crossing over coming up. >> peter: are you worried the government is getting too big? our next guest says you should be worried 'cause the president
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isn't just overstepping, he's actually trampling the constitution. a warning everyone would like to hear coming up i'm doing my own sleep study. advil pm® or tylenol pm. the advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. advil pm®. the difference is a better night's sleep. is moving backward. [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] and you'll find advanced safety technology like an available heads-up display on the 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back.
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>> peter: welcome back. you heard prominent democrats make the promise over and over again, the government is not getting any bigger, but according to a new pew research poll, the american people aren't buying it. the majority, 53%, feel the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms. that's the highest rate since pew launched this poll in 1995. joining us now the man who hopes to put an end to that, virginia phone general ken cuccinelli, author of the new book "the last line of defense," one of our great attorney generals of the united states.
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good morning. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> peter: tell us, are the days of constitutional government over? is the federal government overreaching every day in every way. >> no, no. >> peter: give us some hope. tell us what can be done. >> first of all, it's not over reaching every day in every way, but right now it's overreaching on more days in more ways than probably ever has before in yours and my lifetime. what we wrote about in the book is the role of states, attorneys general primarily, pushing back when the federal government breaks the law or violates the constitution. just look in the last month. last month we in virginia beat the epa, which i refer to as the employment prevention agency 'cause they're so good at that -- we recount that in the book and i would note, we had a democrat co- plaintiff. this isn't just a republican undertaking. we had a democrat local board of supervisors join us in that
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case. also last month, the president lost on a constitutional case with the national labor relations board, his so-called recess appointments that weren't recess appointments at all, which wiped out a year's worth of their work, as it should have because he essentially tried to unconstitutionally impose them on that board. >> peter: so you had the epa, the fcc, the nrb, and now this massive health care environment run by the federal government in the united states. >> right. >> peter: what do people do to respond? >> you know, i actually get asked a lot. people come up to me, oh, the government did x, fill in the blank, whatever it might be. can we sue them? the answer most of the time is no, because most of what they do is addressed in elections. you don't like what they're doing, vote differently and show up and vote and not everybody does, of course. but there are a lot of times --
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i mean, this is our second lawsuit with the epa where they're breaking the law. while this has been a both republican and democrat phenomenon in the past, we've never seen an administration so aggressive about it. we walk through example after example of how bigger government, federal government, is breaking the law over and over and how states are pushing back. but you asked about individuals. there are times when the state cannot step in, where it takes an individual person or an individual company to actually fight back and other americans count on those people to do that. but for a lot of these fights, the states can step in and the founders expected us to do that. they designed our system of government so that the states would be the last line of defense pushing back when the federal government overreached. >> peter: attorney general ken cuccinelli, the new book "the last line of defense," good to see you. see you coming soon.
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>> thank you, sir. good to be with you. >> peter: coming up, the marines' newest recruit. i met a lot of them over the weekend. not this one. a puppy! anna likes that puppy. we will explain. and then, think heaven doesn't exist? tell that to this woman. she says she has been there. her unbelievable story of crossing over to the other side and coming back next (dog) larry,larry,larrryyy. why take exercise so seriously,when it can be fun? push-ups or sprints? what's wrong with fetch? or chase? let's do this larry! ooh, i got it, i got it! (narrator) the calorie-smart nutrition in beneful healthy weight... incles grains and real chicken, because a healthy dog is a playful dog. beneful healthy weight. find us on facebook
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>> steve: news by the numbers. the president acidy edition. here is great deals being offered this holiday and here is what you can save. first, $100. that's how much you can get off this samsung 43-inch plasma tv
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from k-mart. bringing the price down to $398. that's terrific. next, 35% off. that's the sale going on right now at best buy and it includes free shipping. this sounds great. finally, 50% off for those of with you a sweet tooth, you can get this 35-dollar twinkie bake set for just 15 bucks from very nice. anna? >> anna: have you ever wondered what heaven is like? our next guest knows because she says she's been there. in february of 2006, anita was on her death bed in a coma and suffering from cancer. her doctors told her husband that she would die within just hours. while she was in that coma, she says she was as alive as she's ever been. visiting a world beyond ours and even hearing everything going on in her hospital room. anita woke up and miraculously was cancer free within just months. she joins us now.
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good morning. thanks for being with us. you are the author of "dying to be me." it really highlights this experience for you. take us back to having cancer, stage 4 lymphoma for four years and you were in the advanced stages for months just really suffering. >> oh, yeah. i had tumors, some of them the size of lemons, but the tumors were from the base of my skull. they had spread throughout my limb fattic system, around my neck, breast, under my arps, up to my abdomen. >> anna: you were so thin there, too. there you're least smiling. but i imagine it was tough to smile through all this. you say you couldn't really lift your head at times? >> i couldn't, because my neck was really weak. in fact, the photo doesn't even show the worst time because when i was at my worst, i refused to have my pictures taken. i couldn't walk. i was in a wheelchair. i had an oxygen mask all the time. i had these big open skin lesions. and i was all puffed up here
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from the tumors. >> anna: wow. >> and my lungs were filled with fluid, so i was choking all the time when i would try to talk. >> anna: it sounds more miserable than anything i can imagine. take us back again. you go into this coma and how long are you in the coma for? >> i was in the coma for about 1 1/2 days, about 30 hours. the doctors said now my organs had shut down and so these were my final hours, this was the final stage. and they told my husband and my mom who were there by my bedside that these were my final hours and i wouldn't be coming out. >> anna: what was going on in your own body and in your own mind at that time? >> oh, gosh. in fact, i didn't even realize i was in a coma. i was so alert and so aware. more aware than i am in this physical state. but it was just the most incredible feeling. i felt like i was just like embraced by this incredible love, like unconditional, warm love. it was nothing like i've ever
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experienced in physical life before. >> anna: what a lot of people who -- not that there are a lot of people who have been through this, but books who have had near death experiences say they've cock into contact with some of their deceased relatives and that happened for you as well. >> it did. i came into contact with my father. he passed away ten years prior and when i was growing up, i had a very turbulent relationship with him because our values just didn't match. we clashed on a loft things. he had traditional hindu values and i didn't embrace them the way he did. i ran away from an arranged marriage. but in that realm, all i felt from him and for him was unconditional love. it was like he understood everything i was feeling. i had felt that i had disappointed him and let him down. but it was just incredible the love i felt from him. >> anna: even doctors who have these scientific minds, you tell us had incredible things to say. your oncologist said which ever
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way i look at it, you should be dead. how does at that make you feel, to -- even these doctors believed this is a miracle. this wasn't their doing. >> no. and the thing is, some of the doctors tried to say that oh, yeah. it was the drugs. and other doctors are saying, there is no way. you were just so weak. how could you have turned around from that late stage? >> anna: lastly, what can we all take away from this and who did you decide you were going to be when you woke up? >> i was gonna be awe they weren't hispanic true to myself and i learned life is a gift and our only person is to be who we are and to treat life like a gift and every day is valuable. we all make it so complicated. we try to find our purpose. i learned that all i have to do is be as me as i can be. >> anna: i love it. thank you so much for your time today. >> thank you. >> steve: straight ahead, we've all been on a flight with a crying baby. but i bet you've never experienced this. a total stranger slapping that baby in the face.
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it's true. to that kid. the details are next. then looking for a new car on the cheap side? the one car dealers are trying to unload the most right now. it's a wheel of a deal as we roll on live from new york city [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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7:33 am
>> steve: fox news alert. this monday morning, country music star mindy mccready found dead yesterday from an apparent suicide. the country singer's turbulent personal life and history of substance abuse often overshadowed her success. joining us right now, psychiatrist and fox news contributor dr. keith ablow. this is awful news. >> terrible news. and really terrible evidence of just how devastating substance abuse and major depression can be. >> steve: the key there, you said depression. one of the things that happened in her life was the fact that apparently her boyfriend and the father of her child committed suicide on the same porch she was found on yesterday last month. >> absolutely. so very recent losses and a long history of struggle with alcohol and drugs, obviously.
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but you know what? she was also admitted to a treatment facility at court order just several days or week ago. i think that people should examine, just so that there is some kind of teaching point in this horrible tragedy, you know, are people being let go too soon after they are admitted without their voluntary consent to a treatment facility? how can it be you would only spend a few days? >> anna: sometimes stars surround themselves with a certain type of person who does not end up taking care of them the way that the average joe would be taken care of. she seemed to have so much going for her. she had taken the stage with tim mcgraw and alan jackson and george strait, the song you heard, i could go on and on of the and then has this huge fall from grace and her social life really messes up her success. how does that happen to someone? >> well, therein is this vulnerability. when you're talking about the
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potential of major depression being present, that deprives people of rational thought. it's very close to being delusional, where your kids don't seem to rate, your cherished pet, her dog, whose life she apparently took before her own, doesn't seem to rate. nothing seems like it can change. that's the deep blackness that encircles you when you're in the midst of the worst kind of major depression and the reason why people really need time to be reached when they're hospitalized. you can't turn them around in 48 hours. >> peter: when we hear this, we feel so helpless in so many ways. we say, this was a talented woman, but you look at this legacy that she left in terms of arrests and pain killers and alcohol and even a suicide attempt in 2005. people say, can that happen in our own families' lives? we see it happened to her boyfriend a month ago. how do people come to terms with
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this and how do they take on an issue like this, especially when someone checks in, as you point on, on their own and is then released and goes on to commit suicide? >> here is the key, you know, people say kids are resilient. they're not that resilient. if you've suffered in your life, in early development or in later years, your adolescence, it can really lay you low. so we have to have great respect for just how severe these illnesses can be and how we have to bring ourselves to them. i'm sure she could afford the best in psychiatric care and yet somebody decided a very short stay for this woman riddled with drug abuse and multiple, multiple episodes with depression, suicide attempts should go home 48 hours later? it's an amazing thing. we got to look at our mental health care system. i keep saying it. here is another reminder. >> steve: it must be examined.
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dr. keith ablow, joining us live. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: you bet. >> peter: now the rest of your headlines. she says a stranger slapped her two-year-old son on a flight and now that mom is speaking out. jessica bennett says the man used a racial slur and even drew blood when he slapped her little boy. >> i said, what did you say? because i could not believe that he would say that. he said it again. but even more hateful. >> peter: the suspect is facing a federal assault charge. he's also out of a job. he's been suspended from his job as president of unitex composite in idaho. the company's ceo says that that kind of behavior contradicts the company's values. i imagine it would if it's true. >> steve: no kidding.
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overnight, an afghan insurgent accused of killing a soldier is now dead. he and his accomplice were killed during a raid. army first lieutenant thompson died in the attack. two other american soldiers were also wounded. >> anna: show your gun and get a discount on a pizza? a virginia beach pizza shop is offering the special deal for gun owners. the owner of all around pizza carries a gun and hires drivers with concealed carry permits. he says the 15% discount is just another way to support the second amendment. customers either have to bring their gun in with them or show their concealed carry permit to get the discount. >> steve: i got a feeling his drivers generally don't get robbed. >> anna: there was a burrito place where i went to school in wilmington, north carolina, which was show your tat tuesday. if you showed your tattoo, you got a free pizza. >> steve: moving on, the northeast bracing for more
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today. this system not expected to pack as much of a punch as it could. but it's going to be a mess for folks going to work or taking the day off today. it is president's day. maria molina is tracking all of this in the outdoors where currently the wind chill in new york city is 2. >> yes. it was 2 degrees about an hour ago. it's warming up. now it's 4 degrees. it's just going to feel frigid throughout the morning hours. the one bit of good news i have in the northeast is that the wind will be dying down as we head into the afternoon hours. we'll have sunshine and temperatures right around where they should be at this time of year. so not too bad for president's day. a lot of you will have it off. a lot of sunshine expected and generally dry conditions in the northeast. florida, if you're headed down there for president's day, today will be a cold day down there. look at these current temperatures. in the 20s across portions of the florida panhandle. 20s in the city of jacksonville, orlando at 35 degrees. very cold out there. we have hard freeze warnings in effect this morning. no fear.
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by tuesday, back into the 80s across portions of florida. otherwise we have a storm system that's developing across portion of the north central, producing blizzard conditions. temperatures today in the north central, not too bad. 30s in minneapolis. also in rapid city, otherwise a warm day in texas, 79 in san antonio. nice warm day there. >> steve: allall right. not here though. maria outside where it's 4 now. thank you. >> anna: 20 minutes before the hour. you might want to get those burgers and steaks now if you have room in your freezer. >> peter: lauren simonetti tells us why. >> good morning. stock up now. beef is what's not for dinner. if you're thinking of grilling out this summer, definitely make room in the freezer. beef prices expected to rise as much as 10%. why? high corn prices have led farmers to keep smaller herds when global demand for beef is up. supermarkets packages meat in smaller portions. beef isn't the only protein starting to feel like lobster.
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chicken prices also at record levels. averaging $2 a pound last year. it's cheaper than beef, but i got to tell you, you'll be screaming chicken no matter what when you pay for this. >> steve: let's talk about gasoline. >> yeah. you'll be screaming chicken on this one, too. we might have already gotten used to the fact that gas prices are so high. the national average, 3.73 a gallon. increase of 14 cents in the past week. forty-three cents in the past month. some oil analysts are surprised to see the price so high in february. not many people take to the roads, right? and they're really concerned about what's going to happen next month. it starts to get warmer. people start to drive more. they have that summer blend, which is more expensive. so $4 a gallon really just days away. >> steve: speak of driving. >> anna: yeah. what about if you're in the market for a new car? >> we have options. we'll show awe wide range of deals you might want to pounce on now. this list, variety of options like the economy kia rio. gives buyers a 20% discount in february. and you got the toyota sequoia,
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a gas guzzler. 16% saving. the mazda 3 and audi making the list. those are the best new car deals for february. >> steve: way to go. i think you just saved people some money. >> i hope so. >> anna: it's huge. >> yeah, i know. >> steve: thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> steve: coming up on this president's day, a ten-ton meteor rocking russia without any warning. look at that. what are the chances of this happening again as it did at the end of last week? is there anything we can do on earth to stop it? >> anna: and then the moments that changed the world. a look back at the presidents who helped make america the greatest country on earth. >> peter: first the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1968, this famous redheaded actress is part of the '80s brat pack. who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer
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music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make meone happy.♪.♪it's so e ♪make just one heart to heart you - you sing to♪ ♪one smile that cheers you ♪one face that lights when it nears you.♪ ♪and you will be happy too. a hairline fracture to the mandible and contusions to the metacarpus. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash
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to help cover his rent, car paymen and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lin grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long how do you keep an older car running like new? you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there. they are going to take care of my car because this is where it came from. price is right no problem,
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they make you feel like you're a family. get a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and much more, $29.95 after $10.00 rebate. if you take care of your car your car will take care of you. i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. it doesn't seem like fast food. there's a lot of substance, it just seems really fresh. there's like a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop is building our best breakfast sandwiches ever. new griddle-melts made fresh and hot. hand crafted just for you.
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it's like a sexy sandwich. i love this crispy bread... ...the roasted red peppers. it's awesome. [ anouncer ] compare new iddle just $4.99 at ihop. this is an epic breakfast sandwich. [ anouncer ] ihop. everything you love about breakfast. you want that don't you? >> steve: today is president's day, which means a three-day holiday for most people. before you head out to enjoy the holiday, let's take moment to remember some of the great men who helped shape our nation. our guest has some of the greatest moments in presidential history. good morning to you, nick. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: everybody knows the story about washington throwing the dollar across the potomac and chopping down a cherry tree with a hatchet, if those stories are true. you've actually got some stories about some real presidents who did real things. let's start with ronald reagan.
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>> yeah. >> the temptation of pride, the temptation of lively -- declaring yourselves above it all and label both sides equally, to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire. >> steve: okay. we kind of messed up the sound at the top. the good part was at the educational background where he referred to the former soviet union as the evil empire. how did that change things? >> i mean, reagan had wanted to say that for a while. he gave that speech in '83. he wanted to say that in 1981 and dell but his advisors talked him out of it. he branded the soviets as evil. he put them on notice that he would not treat them like nixen and carter had. he wanted to create a dichotomy between us and them. he felt like if he could, that would precipitate the beginning of the end of the cold war and he was exactly right. >> steve: let's go back a number of years, teddy roosevelt had this great idea. we could become a super power if we had a navy that could travel somehow between the atlantic and
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the pacific, hence the panama canal, right? >> yeah. it was a bold move. if you remember then, we didn't have a two-ocean navy. he felt in order for us to be a global super four and he had that vision long before anybody else did, we needed a navy in both oceans. how we got about the panama canal was controversial. it was owned by colombia. he sort of incited a bit of revolution in panama and then created a deal with them to take that land and finish what the french could not, create the canal. i don't think any other president but teddy roosevelt would have had the gumption to do that. it turned onto to begin the creation of the u.s. super power. >> steve: and of course, i read from your notes, he was the first president to ever visit a foreign nation while in office when he went down make sure they were digging up the canal right. right? >> yeah. there was a famous picture of him at the canal site. he was very hands on. teddy roosevelt really believed in activist government. he took a trip down to oversee some of the construction. >> steve: all right.
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meanwhile, let's take folks back to 1962, president john f. kennedy at rice university in texas. >> i climb the highest mountain, 35 years ago, fly the atlantic. why does rice play texas? we choose to go to the moon! [ applause ] we choose to go to the moon in this day and do the other things. not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> steve: such a great speech and we were already in the midst of the space race back then. >> we were. it just started. that was 1962. we were still behind in the space race. the soviets had been the first to put a satellite no orbit. they had the first astronaut in space. we were still behind. there was supposedly a missile gap between us and the soviets, although it turns out that wasn't true. that was -- he wanted to challenge us to get ahead of the space race really so that we could brand the united states as the country of science and engineering and not the soviets
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and convince those other emerging markets that they should be capitalists and not communism. that was an important moment. i think it was a bold declaration and we pulled it off. but we put the man on the moon in the summer of 1969. >> steve: we did it within the decade. nick, always a pleasure. thanks very much for joining us on this president's day. >> good chatting with you. >> steve: it's now ten minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. next up, a ten-ton meteor rocking russia. look at that dash cam video. no warning. what are the chances of that happening here? will we ever be able to see it coming first? look at that. first this date in history back in 1984, "carmen camille on" by culture club. everybody was singing it [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego.
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prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete.
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>> anna: welcome back. the answer to the aflac question of the day is molly wing we'd. our winner is lisa in raleigh, north carolina. >> peter: i would have won. a ten ton meteor crashing into central russia last week as onlookers watched in horror. (scream). >> peter: the space rocket explosion triggered chaos in the streets and more than 1,000 people were injured, including 200 children. a couple days later, reports of a possible sighting in california? luckily no impact or damage there. >> steve: so what can we do if a meteor is headed for planet earth? here with some answers is research scientist, paul, who joinses from los angeles. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: they said last week,
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last friday that we didn't see that thing coming. is there somebody who is supposed to be look out there saying okay. i see one. it's going to hit us on tuesday? >> nasa has a program to search for these objects and we've done a good job at finding the large ones. we put the priority on finding the large one first. the one that hit on friday was really a tiny asteroid, pretty small. >> anna: it's wild that this tiny one caused this much damage. you say mostly what you're looking for are the ones that are 400 feet in size and up, right? >> yes. a city block and larger. those are ones that would reach the surface. the one that hit over russia was broken up by the atmosphere. so there was only the damage from the shock wave. the larger ones, if they reach the surface in one piece, can cause great damage. >> peter: when you talk about the larger ones, what are we talking about? something as big as a kilometer? do those exist? >> oh, yes. oh, yes. and that's about a half mile.
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nasa has done a good job of finding 95% of those ones. the idea is to find them many, many years before they could hit the earth and calculate when and where the hazard is and if there is a hazard sometime in the future, then we could possibly do something about it. >> steve: now, you've just touched on the part we all want to know about. do something about it. tell me, the u.s. government does have a rocket somewhere pointing up that can shoot one of these things out of the sky. >> well, the plan would be to -- if we went ahead with this, would be to build a spacecraft to go up into space and knock the thing off course, just slightly, many years before it was near the earth. >> steve: hurry. just in case. all right. paul, research scientist near earth object program at nasa in l.a., paul, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> anna: 7:56. how well do you know your presidents? bet you don't know which one was also a bartender.
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we're about to put you to the test at the top of the hour. >> steve: then a guaranteed good night's sleep like a spa experience in your bedroom for under 15 bucks. you're not going to want to miss it while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease
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rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. >> anna: it's 8:00 o'clock on your monday morning, february 18, i'm anna kooiman in for gretchen carlson. a fox news alert, country music star mindy mccready found dead. police say she took her own life. the breaking details moments away. >> steve: and while the president was hitting the links with tiger woods this weekend, somebody leaked his immigration plan to usa today. the details have some republicans calling foul. >> peter: take a look at this. this pillow for your face promises to help you get your z's. "fox & friends" starts right now
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>> anna: looks kind of comfy. it's called the ostrich pillow, runs for 30 bucks. we have a couple other ways to help orgeat good night's rest. >> steve: maybe we should whisper 'cause that's sam, our producer, in the green room. >> peter: sam! >> anna: there is another one of these things, it's hilarious called the in -- snoozy napper. >> steve: is that for work? >> anna: try it a plane. >> steve: we got details on that and so much more. thank you for joining us on this president's day. brian and gretch are off. we got anna and peter in on this special federal holiday. >> anna: good morning to everybody. we have a fox news alert to tell you about. troubled country music singer mindy mccready and police think she took her own life. joining us is ainsley earhart.
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>> good morning. mindy mccready, the country singer who soared to the top of the charts in the '90s with her debut album "10,000 angels" is dead. ♪ i need 10,000 angels ♪ watching over me tonight >> maybe she's watching over us right now because police in arkansas discovered her body on her front porch. the same place her boyfriend died last month in an apparent suicide. the local sheriff it appears she died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. ♪ i do it all the time ♪ when the shoe's on the other foot ♪ ♪? back in 1996, she scored a number one billboard country hit with this song "guys do it all the time." but in recent years, she received more media attention for her troubled personal life
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than for her music. she struggled with addiction, mental illness and was arrested several times. she also fought a lengthy and bitter battle with her own mother over custody of her oldest son. she is at fox back in 2010 in this video you're about to see on "fox & friends." >> steve: it's been six years since you've done an album. where you been? >> gosh, i've been getting into a lot of trouble. >> steve: you have been. >> yeah, i have. never prison. jail and prison are two different things. >> steve: man, we've got a lot to talk about in the after the show show then. >> we do. i've done a lot of work to stay out of trouble now. so i am seeking redemption. >> last night country music stars expressed condolences on hearing the news of her death. carrie underwood said i grew up listening to her. so sad. many prayers. winona judd tweeted, oh, my mindy.
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dear sweet girl. this is so sad. it breaks my heart what addiction continues to take from this life. shortly after her boyfriend's death last month, mccready was order to do enter rehab and her two children were actually taken away from her at that point. mindy mccready was very young, only 37 years old. anna, steve, peter, sad news to report this morning. steve, you actual lea got to meet her. tragic and sad to see that video of her there in your studio. >> steve: what a great talent. anesy, thank you very much. >> sure. >> anna: moving to another developing story this monday morning, a massive fire is burning out of control right now in tampa, florida. a recycling plant has eruptd into flames. this is new video from our affiliate in faa tampa. firefighters say that's a huge pile of metal that's burning. some reports suggest it could be hazardous material. drivers on nearby highways say the smoke can be seen for miles away. so far no reports of any injuries. a brand-new bombshell report
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revealing oscar pistorius might have killed his girlfriend in a boozey rage. sources say cops found steroids and heavy evidence of drinking during a search of his home and they discovered a blood covered cricket bat, leading investigators to believe he may have attacked her before the shooting. the white house is trying to backtrack today after a draft of the president's plan on immigration was leaked over the weekend. critics say it outlines the president's plan to provide amnesty for immigrants already living here in the united states illegally. the administration is calling it just a plan b. but lawmakers say the plan shows the president is not serious about the immigration reform. >> we are doing exactly what we said we would do, which is we'll be prepared in the event that the bipartisan talks going on the hill which by the way were very aggressively supporting. if those do not work out, then we'll have an option that we'll be ready to put out. >> leaking this out does set things in the wrong direction. look, the question that we
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always had to ask ourselves, particularly with this white house, is the president looking for a partisan advantage or is he looking for a bipartisan law? >> anna: this coming after the president spent a weekend away golf not guilty -- golfing in florida. he went 27 holes and shot somewhere in the 80s. woods bowed out after 18 to head to another golfing outing. danica patrick becoming the first woman to win the pole at the daytona 500. jeff gordon will start second. she topped 196 miles an hour. >> but i think it just shows what a great organization it is and when you bought good group -- put a good group of people together what can do. >> anna: and those are your headlines. >> steve: go daddy. rather it should be go mama. >> anna: hot mama. >> steve: that's right. today is president's day.
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we've got some fun facts about the presidents that you probably have never heard before. number one is? >> peter: george washington never lived in the white house. the capitol is actually located in philadelphia and other cities when washington was president. he's also, steve, the only president who didn't represent a political party and he was a member of what party 'cause you told me already? >> steve: classified as an inpenitentiary. >> peter: correct. >> anna: was matured where? in new york, right? >> peter: that's what he said. we want back and forth to philadelphia, new york. wall street. let's go. number two. >> anna: thomas jefferson was the very first president to be inaugurated in washington, d.c. >> steve: meanwhile, here is a good one. grover cleveland is the only president to have been elected to two nonconsecutive terms. he was the 22nd president, then he did not become the 23rd. he was the 24th, though. which is kind of odd. >> anna: abraham lincoln is the only united states president who was also a licensed bartender.
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he was co-owner of barry and lincoln, a saloon in springfield, illinois. >> peter: finally, james madison was the shortest of the presidents. standing at only 5' 4. and he never weighed more than 100 pounds. >> anna: a little guy. >> steve: no kidding. >> anna: people didn't even know. it didn't matter as much. >> steve: you never know. all right. meanwhile, let's talk a little about this. there is a new york state senator who is trying to overturn a law that prevents new yorkers from having pigs inside their houses. that's the fellow right there, tony, a democrat from here in new york. peter, explain this to me. >> peter: tony avella is focusing in and we brought the story nationally about petey the pig and the family in white stone, queens and the city is trying to take this wonderful pig away from the family and now they may want to even evict the family.
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the health department says you better get rid of that pig or we're going to dispose of it. petey is an important part of that family. they lost a relative in that family. petey is a legacy and they love this pig. >> anna: they say the pig even goes in bed with the kids, that pigs are a lot cleaner than you think. you mentioned he was the legacy of a lost family member, the brother, or uncle of the children died in a motorcycle accident, we're told. this is not the only family dealing with this. there is also a former -- army veteran who is dealing with the same thing in the same area and she apparently tried to get this pig deemed a therapy animal. >> steve: wilbur. >> anna: the health department would not allow it. >> peter: we need to save wilbur and petey. the new york city has to stop it and get real. the pigs have got to stay. what do you say? save the pigs or throw them out? >> anna: just like a rap video. >> steve: here is the thing, here in new york city, if you
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own a pig at your house, you can get a ticket. >> peter: yes. they have. >> steve: a lot of people have. but some people are incensed. wait a minute, mayor bloomberg's daughter brought a pig to gracie mansion this past thanksgiving. >> peter: it sounds like outing mayor bloomberg, god bless him for having a pig. pigs all around. obviously they're safe. they're healthy. they're helping these families, whether it's the mayor's family or these folks in queens. >> anna: other people saying if you want your pig, then move to a different county. and some neighbors are not happy about having the pig. >> peter: president's day gift. save the pig. >> steve: all right. straight ahead on this president's day, he took seven bullets during the massacre at fort hood and survived. this victim says the real pain is how our government is treating him. sergeant alonzo licenseford joins us live next. >> anna: then before you consider a sleeping pill, you might want to consider this. the pillow for your face. but does it work?
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>> steve: the fort hood police sergeant hailed as a hero after helping take down alleged shooter major nidal malik hasan at fort hood speaking out about the way she and other victims have been treated by the federal government following the tragedy. >> not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of. in fact, they've been neglected. >> peter: show and more than 100 others have joined a lawsuit against the government who they say is doing little to help them in the aftermath of the shooting. staff sergeant alonzo luntzford is one of the victims involved and joins us live. good morning, sergeant. >> good morning.
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>> peter: were you shot by a terrorist or co-worker? >> by a terrorist. >> peter: what's the difference in terms of how the president and the federal government has responded to your needs based upon your courageious acts on that day? >> well, one of the differences is that it was a ptsd clinic that typically army service members could go to that's located at walter reed, or was located at walter reed. i was accepted to go there, then when they found out who i was, i was denied because the individuals that were in charge of that ptsd clinic were the same individuals that was in charge of major nidal malik hasan when he was stationed at walter reed. >> steve: so they thought what? >> they thought it would be a conflict of interest by me being there and in turn, they said we will send you down to fort bliss for treatment. well, fort bliss denied me because they said i was not a combat veteran.
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so basically i was just out there stuck as far as getting treatment for ptsd and tbi. which in turn a friend of a -- a support of a fort hood shooting victims and survivors end up sending me to a submarine base in california. >> steve: so you agree with sergeant nunley who says the president of the united states made promises to the victims that they'd be -- that you would be taken care of and that has not been the case? >> not all together, no. promises were made to us that we would be taken care of and that our families would not have anything to worry about. but as of today, that has not within all together true. >> peter: sergeant, thank you for your service and thank you for what you did on that day. how many times were you shot? >> seven. >> peter: and you're still having bullets being taken out of you to this day? >> i still have one more that needs to be taken out. >> peter: have you ever tried to
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contact the president of the united states and if you did, what kind of response did you get? >> well, i have not had a chance to contact him directly because since the shooting, i just been focusing on my care. and i felt like that time would come because we didn't get chance to see him when he came to fort hood. he went to darnell army hospital. we were in scott and white hospital. so we did not have the opportunity to see him when he came down. >> peter: the white house likes to watch this show, so what would you say to the president of the united states right now? >> mr. president, my commander in chief, by all laws abiding, would you please make sure that we're taken care of so we can be at peace of mind and let's try to get this trial over with so we can close this chapter in our lives and move on. >> steve: well put. somebody from the white house is watching. somebody can relay that message to him. what has incensed us is the fact that the department of justice
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has classified this as workplace violence. not terrorism. when major hasan was shooting you seven times, what was he yelling? >> allah akbar. the interesting thing about when he was shooting me, it was the look that he had on his face. >> steve: which was what? >> no feeling. >> steve: no feeling. >> none whatsoever. >> steve: and when you talk about workplace violence, it's not every day that you hear that the guy with the gun is shooting allah akbar. that's what we associate with terrorism. >> absolutely. he had a plan. he went through all the steps that any normal individual would go through that were doing their jihad. so we need to go ahead and let that be known and he is a terrorist. it's not our fault that he ended up getting to our military, but you have people that's in our military that end up following suit like this. so we have channels that will take care of that. see right now, step on the
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outside, you would think that major nidal malik hasan was the victim and we didn't matter. that is one of the things that upsets all of us. he's not the victim. >> peter: sergeant, you're not a victim either. we wish you healing and health and god's best. thank you for your courage and your service. >> you're welcome. thank you very much. >> steve: all right. it is now 19 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a major update to a story we brought you last week. one of america's favorite brands of booze right there getting watered down to cut costs. but we've got an important update. >> peter: steve, are you having trouble sleeping? you might want to consider a pillow for your face. do they really work? apparently they do. that's coming up next. stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna...
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with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes, and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. try mail marketing from constantcontact. it's the fastest, easiest way to create great-looking custom e-mails that bring customers through your door. sign up for your free trial today at so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates,
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>> steve: quick headlines. he bombed the world trade center back in 1993. now this terrorist wants to socialize after 15 years in solitary confinement. he wants out. he's suing to live out the rest of his life sentence in a more open prison space. six people died in the bombing of the world trade center back in 1993. after an outpouring of outrage, makers mark announcing it won't be watering down its whiskey after all, despite a supply shortage, the company will keep the alcoholic volume at the brand's historic 90 proof. >> anna: makes a lot of people happy. 8:23 is the time. you ever have trouble falling asleep? before you try a sleeping pill, you might want to consider a
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sleep gadget instead. joining us is the editor at large of shape magazine. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: so you've got -- we got five devices here. >> yes. >> steve: but first let's start, there is now an app for that. >> there is. absolutely an app for people that can't fall asleep or people that have trouble falling asleep. basically this app is called the pziz, for your iphone or android. what it does is it plays a great soothing song for you and it also has a soothing voice. the idea here is that it helps lull you to sleep. >> steve: what does the voice say? >> anna: we can listen to it actually. >> says a lot of different things. what makes this different from a lot of those relaxation cd's is every single time you listen to it, it's going to give you a unique sound combination. >> i'll be speaking quietly with you. there will be some quiet music. >> steve: it's hypnotizing. >> kind of. the idea is that it helps unwind
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you and helps you really fall asleep. it really is important. >> peter: is that a human voice? >> yes, it is. >> anna: it's a lot more soothing than the gps lady, isn't it? >> exactly. >> anna: we have sleep sensations. aroma therapy fillers. >> linersity you put on your pillow. you change them every three days. there is lavender smell, a scent called your boyfriend's t-shirt. >> peter: my boyfriend's t-shirt? >> anna: what if he comes over later and says that doesn't smell like me? >> you might want to show him the box. >> peter: that's what i want and the guy talking. >> these are my favorite sheets ever. from chic. if you feel them, they're inspired by athletic wear. so if you're someone that gets really hot in the evening, they're going to help keep you cool and they're just really
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comfortable. >> peter: these kind of wick. >> yes. >> anna: they're bit pricey. >> but they're a great investment. let's be honest -- >> peter: is that laugh ender? >> steve: it smells like somebody's boyfriend. let's talk about a sleep tracker? >> that's right. it's a wireless sleep tracker. >> peter: i heard about that. >> it's for fitness and sleep. during the day, it will keep track of how many calories you're burning, how many steps you're taking. and then when you wear this at night, it kind of keeps control of how well you're sleeping. and you can actually put this right on your wrist. so in the morning it will wake you up by vibrating. so that way if your boyfriend or girlfriend is sleeping next to you, they don't hear the alarm because you're using this and it's just vibrating and waking you up. >> anna: tell us about the ostrich pillow. >> not only does it look cool and interesting. >> steve: you think that's cool? >> i think it's a great
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conversation starter. it's the ostrich pillow. this is made for taking power naps. as you know, there are a lot of health benefits to sleeping even just 20 minutes during the day. it really helps recharge you. this you can use right on your desk. you can travel with this. >> steve: those holes are to put your hands through? >> peter: i saw guys doing this on the train the other day. they would kind of -- my daughter said that's the way you're supposed to fall asleep. >> otherwise it's a little difficult. >> peter: great stuff. >> thank you so much. >> peter: good to see you. >> steve: thank you very much for joining us from shape magazine. >> thanks so much for having me. >> peter: coming up, her dad died in world war ii before about she ever got a chance to meet him. but she just received something to keep his memory alive every day for the rest of her life. >> anna: then we've all been on a flight with a crying baby. but i bet you've never experienced this, a total stranger slapping a baby across the face? shocking details this mother says happened
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call now and we'll include a free $50 savings card. call now for your free information and this free $50 savings card. call now! a hybrid? most are just no fun to drive. now, here's one that will make you feel alive. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see? cause c-max has lots more horsepower than prius v, a hybrid that c-max also bests in mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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>> steve: it is your shot of the morning. meet chesty the recruit. if all goes well, he will become the marine corps' mascot later this year after he completes boot camp. the marine's rolled out the red
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carpet for chesty at the home of the common can'ts in washington, d.c he will become private first class chesty the 14th replacing sergeant chesty the 13th. very nice. >> anna: lovely. >> peter: and named after chesty puller, the most decorated marine in the united states history. >> steve: i didn't know that. >> peter: yeah. and i know a lot about the united states history. my father was at iwo jima and i was invite to do speak to the iwo jima association over the weekend. tomorrow is the 68th anniversary of the landing at iwo jima. on friday, the anniversary of the raising of the flag at mount surabachi, that iconic moment that represents so much that we see here that the marine memorial, the war memorial. i had an opportunity to speak to a decorated lieutenant general larry snowden who not only fought in iwo, he fought at vietnam and emblematic of those who fight in the marine corps. let's hear from him.
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>> i got a bunch of fragments in my hands, cheeks, back of my head, between my helmet and my collar. i was a bloody mess. so i was patched up by a corpsman, moved to the beach and moved to a hospital ship and overnight, went to guam. i read a lot, but i wasn't seriously hurt. there wasn't any reason i couldn't fight alongside my brothers. so i got a liberty pass from the doctor and went down to the headquarters of reinforce pacific and asked the colonel there if i could go back. he said well, the policy is we're not sending anybody back. and i said, colonel, let me tell you something, my wife and son i haven't seen for a year and a half. but for more than a year and a half, those fellows up there on iwo jima were my family. the fact of life is, i want to be with them and as a matter of fact further, i'm going to feel very guilty if i'm sitting here on guam and those guys over there are still fighting for their life. >> steve: he had given so much and he wanted to give more. >> peter: called them family.
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>> steve: amazing. all right. we got headlines on this president's day. it is a fox news alert. troubled country singer mindy mccready is dead. police say she took her own life apparently. they discovered her body on the front porch her house. same place her boyfriend apparently killed himself last month in a suicide. fox news contributor dr. keith ablow weighed in on her public battle with addiction and mental illness. >> nothing seems like it can change. that's the deep blackness that encircles you when you're in the midst of the worst kind of major depression and the reason why people really need time to be reached when they're hospitalized, you can't turn them around in 48 hours. >> steve: you see, after her boyfriend's death, she was ordered into rehab. her two young sons were taken from her. she was just 37 years old. >> peter: so sad. she said a stranger slapped her
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two-year-old son on a flight. jessica bennett says then he hurled a racial slur at that little boy. >> and i said, what did you say? because i could not believe that he would say that. he said is in my ear and he said it again. but even more hateful. >> peter: the accused man has been fired from his job. the company's ceo says his behavior contradicts the company's values. >> anna: 8:35 now. a father died a hero in world war ii before she was born of the but she received her father's purple heart and other medals she never knew about. >> tears of joy and surprise and shock. to me it means today we are honoring his memory. >> anna: it was may of 1945 when second lieutenant hyman markle was killed in a gun fight while fighting german troops in italy.
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the medals were found in an apartment building in west hollywood where her mother lived. >> peter: now to another big story, steve and anna, the weather. joining us with all the new details in the one degree or 2-degree or 4-degree cold, maria molina. >> good morning. it's now 6-degree wind chill here in the city. it's gradually warming up. so if you head outdoors today, you'll need the hats, a heavy coat, your gloves, scarves and layers because it feels frigid out here. that's pretty much the story across the rest of the east. if you live in portions of new england, you're talking wind chill temperatures below 0. it feels right now like 7 degrees below 0 in burlington, vermont. it's also cold across the state of florida. we have hard freeze warnings in effect out here across southern parts of georgia, florida panhandle and into areas across tampa because temperatures this morning are below freezing out here. that could damage some crops. the good news is that this won't
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be lasting too long. as we head into tuesday, temperatures rebounding nicely. you can't even complain. high temperature at 80 in orlando. by tuesday, otherwise temperatures across the rest of the country, pretty seasonable, warm in texas. looking at highs into the 70s and a brand-new storm system developing across the north central that could actually produce blizzard conditions. and has been doing so this morning across portion of north dakota with up to ten inches of snow forecast. now let's head to peter. >> thanks. ♪ . >> peter: in his state of the union address last tuesday, president obama held a strong focus on the middle class. >> stronger families, stronger communities, stronger america. it is this kind of prosperity, broad, shared, built on a thriving middle class that has always been the source of our
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progress at home. >> peter: just got hit with another tax increase at a time when one in four people are already living paycheck to paycheck. joining me now, glenn, a campus police officer. hey, glenn. >> hello. >> peter: the president of cellen projects and spencer holden, an independent insurance agent. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> peter: how tough is it for you? >> it's about $40 after every two weeks that i get paid that's a difference in my paycheck. now, the president said that we can't cut your way to prosperity. well, mr. president, you can't tax and spend your way to prosperity. i expected the president to come out in the state of the union address dressed up as santa claus, all the goodies he wanted to give out that night. we have -- >> peter: how does that make you feel, that when you're taking another hit in your paycheck when you see this? >> it disgusts me because you
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see the economy the way it's going towards. you have the growth rate at 0.1% growth compared to 3.1% growth in the prior quarter. you have social security tax went up like 4.2% to 6.2%. it's hurting americans and we can't afford this. >> peter: you're making more than glenn, but what are your issues in terms of this 2% and in terms of where we're going with our paychecks? >> you ultimately see it in the bottom line. ultimately i heard the griping from my employees. when they saw it in their paychecks. ultimately what you have is obama and pelosi and the democrats are talking about a middle class and ultimately i see the difference between a government class and a middle class. you have obama golfing with tweeze and nancy pelosi saying it's beneath the dignity of congress to take a pay cut. >> peter: what you're saying is there is a permanent government class that these rules don't
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apply to. that they live a lifestyle that other folks don't have the capacity for. is that right? >> absolutely. >> steve: spencer, you're the president of your own insurance agency. are you seeing with yourself, are you seeing it with your customers? what are people feeling when they're trying to scrape dollars together to get homeowners, auto, all kinds of insurance that they need in their lives? >> everybody is seeing it. as a trusted choice independent insurance agent, i work with 3,000 families on their home and auto insurance. and people are suffering. every day i have a conversation with another client who is desperate, desperate to reduce their costs. interesting in my business, we're seeing losses go up because people are deferring maintenance. they're not buying new tires on their cars. they're not putting new roofs on their houses. so losses are actually happening. so all of this spirals out of control. >> peter: spencer, cellen, glenn, thanks for sharing. >> thank you. >> peter: we'll see you again. be well. >> thank you. >> peter: and who can forget this classic ad from the 2008 campaign? hillary clinton claiming she
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would be more reliable answering the white house phone at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. coming up, did president obama's latest blunder make hillary's ad come true? then the texas tenors, they're incredible. they're here live with a special president's day performance of "god bless the usa." ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave their life for me [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. >> steve: who could forget this classic ad from the 2008 campaign? hillary clinton claiming she was the most reliable candidate to answer a 3:00 a.m. call to the white house rather than barak obama. so did hillary clinton's ad come true? when it comes to benghazi, congressman gohmert says so and he joins us live from dallas
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this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: there was no 3:00 a.m. phone call. the president did, however, have a phone call at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. >> he got a briefing at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon about what was going on and then as secretary panetta said, there was no other contact, not with the president, now dennis mcdonough said, oh, he was briefed all during the night. well, how was he briefed? it was made very clear in testimony there were no phone calls either way. we had people out there dying and people that he committed there, that he sent there and there were no phone calls either way. it's absolutely incredible. steve, how many times have you told people, look, i'm going to stay up. you call me when you get there because i want to make sure you're all right? nothing like that! it's just incredible. maybe they were using theist ridge pillow. i don't know. but something worked to allow them to sleep. i do know he had a very busy campaign appearance the next day
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in las vegas. i'm sure he wanted to look good for that. for heaven's sake. he committed air resources to bomb gadhafi on behalf of rebels we knew included al-qaeda. why wouldn't he commit our military air forces to help americans instead of al-qaeda? >> steve: yeah. i know members of your party have tried to push the white house and tried to push the president to let's connect the dots. we want to know what all happened. >> exactly. >> steve: but the white house -- >> and when. >> steve: right. we want to know all the details. but the white house, they're in no hurry to let that out because thanks to a compliant news media, nobody really is talking about this story except us and you! >> it's extraordinary because we haven't been able to interview the people that survived there, but there were sources that fox news had back at the time that said look, we heard radio traffic saying, we have dry feet
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over libya. that's air force terms for we got a plane over libya. now we're told, well, we never had authority to come over libya, so maybe there was a plane that came over. they could have had plane there is in an hour and a half. three at the most from croatia. that would have been c 130s. nothing got there for hours, 20 hours about. incredible. >> steve: i think, congressman, what we're learning, unfortunately, is at that point the priority of the white house and the president was to get reelected because we were just outside of that big november election. >> and the main stream media was totally compliant. don't ask the tough questions. let him skate on this. but it does bring back that 3:00 a.m. call, except this time nobody called because he had a do not disturb apparently. i can't imagine not going to the war room, within 17 minutes after the facility there had
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requested air support, they sent an unarmed drone so they could watch in real time. they didn't even go do that. could have done it from the war room. a special shout out to my friend, sam johnson, whose son died this weekend, a real vietnam hero and our hearts go out for the johnson family. >> steve: that's nice of you to say. congressman gohmert joining us from dallas. thank you. >> thanks so much. >> steve: all right. it's now 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up next, the texas tenors are here. ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and -- >> steve: a special president's day performance of "god bless the usa" next. but first let's check in with bill hemmer for what happens in ten minutes. >> good morning to you on a monday, on president's day. just what you were talking about, senator mccain says benghazi is still a cover-up. we'll get into that one. why marco rubio says the white house idea about immigration is dead on arrival.
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a singer's death stuns the music world and karl rove and ralph peters on the looming deadline for budget cuts, the military only ten days from that. we will see you in ten short minutes here on "america's newsroom" engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, writing the next chapter for the rx and lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> peter: three friends struggling to pay bills when they decided to audition for "america's got talent." >> anna: they didn't stop there. they actually -- didn't finish in the top five, and the national exposure did propel them into stardom and fame. >> steve: joining us, the texas tenors are all buddies. marcus, j.c. and john. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> steve: so you didn't win the big prize on "america's got
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talent." but look where you are today n fourth place isn't so bad. >> steve: no kidding. what are you going to do for us today on president's day? >> well, in honor of president's day, we'll sing "god bless the usa." we're releasing our tune today on itunes. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, the texas tenors. ♪ if tomorrow all the things were gone i've worked for all my life ♪ ♪ and i had to start again with just my children and my wife ♪ ♪ i'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today ♪ ♪ 'cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away ♪
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♪ and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ♪ ♪ 'cause there ain't doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ from minnesota to the hills of tennessee ♪ ♪ across the land from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ from detroit down to houston
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and new york to l.a. ♪ ♪ but there is pride in every american heart and it's time to stand and say ♪ ♪ that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ♪ ♪ 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ♪ ♪ 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪
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. ... >> steve: the texas tenors just did that great song "god bless the usa." what about lee greenwood, has he ever talked to you about that? >> we're friends with lee. we had dinner with him last week. he's excited about us being on the show. he endorses our song and he loves it. >> peter: i think he would love that version. you were fantastic. especially on this day. >> steve: thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: stick around for the after the show show 'cause we want to talk about how much you guys do for the vets because we know that's been great. >> peter: god bless the usa.


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